Nd : YAG - simple Python code produces a graphical representation of lasing incipience in Nd:YAG. (2023)
BNC PB-5 Control - this software is for enhanced control of the BNC PB-5 Precision Pulse Generator via its RS-232 port. (2021)
HPGe Acquisition - using multichannel analyzer by CAEN for acquiring data. Python wrapper for CAEN DPPLib and PyQt GUI. (2020)
Motor - графический интерфейс + библиотека Python для управления шаговыми двигателями с помощью контроллера КШД-485 (ИЯФ СО РАН). (2019)
FCC-ee Polarimeter - MC simulations for the project of the FCCee Compton beam polarimeter. (2018)
HPGe Calibration - accurate calibration of the energy scale of the HPGe-based gamma spectrometer. Bonus: electron beam energy determination from the edge of the spectrum of laser backscattered photons. (2010)